the brass barre

Instructor Spotlight - SASHA MEOW

This term, we are thrilled to welcome Sasha Meow as a guest instructor at The Brass Barre. Sasha is a true powerhouse in the pole dancing community, known for her magnetic personality and dynamic dance style. With her burst of charisma and infectious energy, she creates a vibrant atmosphere in every class, leaving her students inspired and energised.

Her classes go beyond just learning the moves; they are a celebration of the process, filled with laughter and enthusiasm. In fact, her coaching and cheering are so spirited that she even lost her voice after just one week of teaching. In this exclusive feature, we delve into Sasha's pole dancing journey and discover how she uncovered and developed her unique and distinct style.

Embarking on her pole dancing journey

Sasha's story begins after she bid farewell to her years of gymnastics. "I did gymnastics for 15 years but quit at 18. I didn't do much for a while, but eventually realised my body needed movement, so my search for dance studios began," Sasha shares. Her love for classical choreography in gymnastics led her to explore dance classes where she could continue expressing herself through movement and routines.

During this exploration, Sasha stumbled upon pole dancing, but due to the high price points of pole dancing classes, she opted for strip plastic as a substitute. Despite feeling out of place at first, her body quickly adapted to the new movement patterns, surprising even herself. "I felt very uncomfortable in class. I was shy — because I knew my body was used to a completely different movement pattern — kind of awkward, and clumsy. But to my surprise, my body adapted quickly, and within half a year, I became bored and uninspired by the dance team," she reveals.

Then one fateful day, a friend shared news of a newly opened pole dance studio in Riga, Latvia, that caught Sasha's attention. Without hesitation, she contacted the director, arranged her first lesson, and from that moment on, pole dancing became what makes her happy and what she finds purpose in.

Discovering her style

When it comes to her distinctive style of pole dancing, Sasha's journey of self-discovery took time. As a pioneer in her city's emerging pole dancing scene, she quickly transitioned to teaching. "Back then, exotic was also just developing, and I was looking for any information that would help me and provide me with tools," she explains. "I explored videos, attempted to replicate moves, attended classes in Russia, and took private classes from others who inspired me, among whom was Daria Che."

While Sasha initially focused on mastering tricks on the pole, she soon realised that dancing brought her far greater joy. "At some point, I caught myself feeling that tricks don't bring me as much pleasure as dancing," Sasha shares. "When dancing, I feel especially beautiful and sexy. I just did what was comfortable to me and moved the way my body asked me to."

Sasha's dance style is largely fueled by her emotional state and music. "Whatever I'm feeling, I can always express it through dance," she says. "I am a very emotional person, and music affects my mood. When a song resonates with my deepest emotions, the choreography that accompanies it becomes incredibly special to me too. It flows effortlessly, and whenever I revisit it, I am transported back to that state."

Her way of choreographing also reflects her dynamic nature and the connection she shares with her students. "I usually choreograph in the moment. I like to be present and connected with the group," Sasha reveals. "The most challenging part for me is preparing in advance. Sometimes, if the chosen song seems difficult or doesn't align with my current state, I would head into the studio earlier to sketch out a rough draft of about 8 counts. This helps me plan the movements and direction, and I continue to develop it further with the group in class. This approach is primarily how I work with Dynamic choreos — the flow comes more naturally to me, and I rely less on thinking and more on following my instincts and emotions when I move."

Exploring flow in dancing

But the real magic of it all lies in the flow, an essential element in Sasha's style that brings it all together. "Flow is very special to me. It is my meditation. It is my ability to be soft, gentle, and sensual," she explains. "It's like an alter ego for me because I'm completely different in real life. To me, flow is the connection between my body and soul. It is the ability to slow down, observe, experiment, and enjoy the possibilities of your body."

Her advice on how to work on flow? "Move! Observe yourself, experiment, film, explore your videos and improvisations. Listen to your body. Learning movement is like learning a new language in this case — body language. The body will always tell you if you listen. Visualise, play with shapes, and don't be afraid to be different. This is the essence of your style. You are a person, you are you!!! Your style is an expression of your personality. It reflects what you have discovered within yourself, and can share with others through your body."

On dancing

"Dancing should be fun," she reaffirms, "enjoy the process, not the results. Appreciate what you can do at the moment, and praise yourself!" As an instructor, Sasha pays close attention to the emotional state and technique of her students. "The emotional state of my students and their technique of performance are important to me. It is very important for me that we prioritize understanding each other, then the whole process will be beneficial and free of tension."

When it comes to her current pole goals, Sasha's perspective aligns with the significance of embracing the process. She explains, "I think I've reached a point where my focus as a dancer has shifted, and as a result, I no longer set specific goals. Instead, my emphasis is on sharing my knowledge, personal experiences, and stories with others. I remember the challenges I faced without proper guidance when I started, and now I am eager to provide that for others."

Private lessons (co-ed bookings are welcome!) and single class drop-ins with Sasha Meow are still available on our booking app. For more information, drop us a message on our Contact Us page.

By Gladys G.

Brass Queens Spotlight - YING

If you've never tried pole dancing before, you might think it's just a fun way to stay in shape. But for those of us who have given it a try, we know it's so much more than that. It's a form of self-expression, a chance to take a slice of me-time and embark on a journey of self-discovery that celebrates sensuality and strength.  But what truly sets pole dancing apart is the community of fierce and fabulous individuals who support and uplift each other every step of the way. That’s why we’re excited to kickstart our Brass Queens spotlight with a feature on Ying, one of our students at The Brass Barre who has been crushing it on the pole for over a year now.

“I've always been interested in dancing, but I never had the courage to try it out until I saw a YouTuber share her pole dancing experience," says Ying Ying. "I decided to step out of my comfort zone and give it a go." And she hasn’t looked back since.

Since starting our pole dancing classes in March 2022, Ying Ying has found a supportive community that has helped her build her strength, confidence, and skills on the pole. Her favourite pole dance style is Exotic/Old Skool, a style that combines fluidity, sensuality, and athleticism, which she describes as effortlessly beautiful.

"The most challenging aspect of pole dancing for me has been building my strength and confidence in my body to hold tricks on the pole," Ying Ying shares. "But I’ve learned to celebrate small wins to keep myself motivated. For example, leg circles are easier to do now, and I have longer lines when dancing compared to a few months back."

Beyond the physical benefits, pole dancing has also connected Ying Ying with a supportive community that has helped her build confidence too. "I'm an introverted person, and I struggle with consistency in physical activities," she admits. "But through pole dancing, I've made friends who cheer me on whenever I feel like giving up."


Most of Ying Ying's favourite moments in her pole dancing journey are built from the love and encouragement from her instructors and pole sisters. In fact, what cemented her love for pole dancing was the support she received from her instructors when she was learning her second Classique 1 choreo to the catchy and seductive bop of 'Buttons' by Pussycat Dolls. "My instructors were so supportive online even though I wasn't their student for that term!"

Since then, Ying Ying has blossomed into a confident and dedicated dancer who looks forward to sharing snippets of her pole-gress on Instagram and performing with her friends and classmates during end-of-term performance weeks.


Looking ahead, Ying Ying is excited to continue her pole dancing journey and is most looking forward to taking Splits & Backbends classes in Term 3. "Pole dancing is empowering," says Ying Ying. "Everyone in the community is so welcoming, and it has made me fall in love with pole dancing even more."

On a song she’d love to dance to:

A tip for pole babies:

“Don’t compare yourself to others. Take it slow, and you will get there”

Follow Ying’s polegress as she takes over The Brass Barre’s Instagram stories @thebrassbarre

By Gladys G.